Technical Infrastructure

The diagram provided outlines a system designed to facilitate the sharing of news content in a censorship-resistant manner through a decentralized network, using a mechanism that incentivizes various stakeholders. Here is an interpretation of the system's workflow and components:


  1. Domain Names: There are multiple domain names involved in the system, allowing for domain hopping to avoid censorship.

  2. Service Nodes: These nodes are likely decentralized and handle requests to serve content.

  3. CF Workers / Akash Instances: Cloudflare Workers or instances from Akash network that handle the serverless functions and serve the content.

  4. Reward Registry: This tracks the distribution of rewards in a cryptocurrency called $shibb for authors, sharers, and worker operators.

  5. Content Hub: A repository where the content is stored and managed.

  6. Advertisement Hub: A system to manage advertisements which helps finance the network through the purchase of $shibb.


  1. Accessing Content:

    • A user accesses a URL with a specific format that includes a string with a sharer address, article ID, and a salted component tied to "domainone".

    • When the user clicks on "domain name 1", they are redirected to "domain name 2", which implies that the system uses domain hopping to avoid blocking or censorship.

  2. Content Serving:

    • Service nodes use CNAME records to route the request to the correct service node.

    • CF workers or Akash instances serve the content from the Content Hub that is designated to be under a different domain name than initially accessed.

    • The system is capable of unsalting strings, retrieving article IDs, sharer addresses, and generating a random domain from a pool, suggesting the presence of an algorithm to obfuscate and rotate domains.

  3. Reward System:

    • The Reward Registry allocates $shibb rewards to authors, sharers, the domain, and worker operators, incentivizing participation and content distribution.

    • Advertisers acquire $shibb to place ads alongside articles, financially supporting the ecosystem.

    • The content is served with the potential for accompanying advertisements, which also use $shibb within the system.

  4. Censorship Resistance:

    • By hopping between different domains and obfuscating the connections between the sharer, the content, and the domain, the system makes it difficult for any single point of censorship to block the content.

    • The decentralized nature of the node operators contributes to a robust network less susceptible to centralized control and shutdown.


This system is designed to enable the decentralized dissemination of news content, evading censorship through domain hopping and the distribution of operations across various nodes and domains. It incentivizes participation at all levels using a cryptocurrency reward system, which also finances the network through the integration of advertisements. Overall, it creates an ecosystem where content creators, sharers, and node operators are rewarded for their contributions to maintaining a free flow of information.

Last updated