
Challenges to network design could stem from multiple sources:

  • Sophisticated Censorship Technologies: Countries with extensive censorship infrastructures, like China, use deep packet inspection, AI, and other advanced technologies that could potentially identify and block domain-hopping traffic.

  • Regulatory Pressure: Regulators could exert pressure on domain name providers and other infrastructure providers (like Cloudflare or Akash) to comply with censorship laws, which could affect the system’s operation.

  • ICANN and DNS Control: As the global coordinator for the DNS system, ICANN (and by extension, domain name providers) must adhere to international regulations, which could limit the ability to register and operate domains used specifically for circumventing censorship.

  • Network Monitoring: Extensive network monitoring and the Great Firewall’s ability to perform real-time blocking and filtering may still inhibit access to content, even with domain hopping.

In summary, while the system shows potential for resilience against censorship, the effectiveness of these strategies would ultimately depend on the ongoing technological arms race between the censorship methods employed by a jurisdiction and the evasive capabilities of the decentralized network. Additionally, the real-world application would likely require constant adaptation and evolution of strategies to remain ahead of censorship efforts.

Last updated